OpenFab PDX consults with businesses to identify opportunities for innovation across products and manufacturing processes.
Making new things is awesome, but re-tooling an existing product or manufacturing process can be an even better challenge. Digital design and additive manufacturing find uses in surprising places, but it takes some know-how to identify those opportunities. At OpenFab David works with companies, typically in Portland and the Pacific NW, to identify opportunities for innovation and efficiency gains using additive manufacturing consulting and other digital techniques.

3D Printing Services for Businesses that Make Stuff
Here in SE Portland we’re surrounded by established manufacturing firms. Plastics, tool and die makers, spring manufacturers, welding shops, and more. Many of these firms are successfully making their products the same way they’ve made them for two decades or more. Even high-tech automation firms — they’re machining blocks of aluminum left and right to build presses and machines. Have they considered combining some of those machined parts into a single 3D print? At OpenFab David has done this and it’s marvelous.
Many businesses will never and should not replace their parts or products with 3D prints. That said, 3D printing can play an important supporting role in many manufacturing processes. An easy example – 3D printing can quickly produce very complex custom fixtures.
If you make a physical product, David can help you make it better.

Design Software is Evolving, You Should Too (Maybe)
The computer software that is used to create digital product designs is becoming increasingly powerful. It’s also become easier to use. David stays on top of industry trends because it’s fun, and in order to make sound recommendations to clients.
For example – generative design is a hot topic. To stay on top of trends David used generative design for some internal projects – it’s fun, very different, and can make some beautiful and strong structures. The violin bridge shown, above, is one of David’s experiments. To learn more about this project, check out the Modular Fiddle. At the moment generative design is still a solution looking for problems. Maybe you have one! Work with OpenFab to identify real, tangible applications for the latest design and fabrication technology.
Start Small, Refine, then Scale
If you’re considering a new design technique or manufacturing method, you get to choose the scale of implementation, too. By supplementing with OpenFab’s services, or a third party’s, David will help you test out new processes with minimal risk.
Let’s say you’re considering using additive manufacturing to create a drop-in replacement for a complex assembly of machined parts. Additive manufacturing does not have to be expensive! David can crank off a design based on your existing work and produce the necessary part. You’ll have parts in hand to test within a week or two.
Many traditional manufacturers just aren’t set up for digital design and manufacturing. OpenFab is here to fill the gap while we work together to establish a sustainable process. Stay competitive with minimal risk, and don’t buy any equipment until you’re confident in the process!
Explore Possibilities for Free
David offers free initial consultations for businesses interested in identifying opportunities for additive manufacturing and digital design. You’ll leave the meeting with application ideas and a sense of the gains they can produce.